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Sep 13, 2022

Grief Journal

I started a grief journal to honor Solomon. I'm using cardstock primarily, and adding words and my thoughts. This tree felt right as the first page. I added Solomon's name under the tree, with a label maker label. 

The second page is about my son's memorial. I shared the poem on the left with my friends and family at the memorial. On the right I noted down some details about the memorial. Background is cardstock and the poem is written on teaching paper. 
I started this journal to help me channel my grief, and honor my son. I miss him terribly. If it wasn't for my 3 living daughters, I don't know where I'd be, healing wise. Today was hard and all I wanted to do was sleep, but I got up, got groceries, and made 3 meals. I'm calling that a win for my mental health. 

Long live King Solomon.