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Oct 11, 2019

5 Ways to Calm Vata Dosha

It is that time again.

Fall is upon us, which means Vata Dosha is prevalent at the moment.

Vata Dosha consists of the Air and Ether elements. It is quite possible we are feeling brain fog and finding it hard to focus at this time, maybe feeling pain in our joints and back. Perhaps insomnia plagues you during this season, or is it constipation?

Vata governs movement, the activities of your nervous system, and our process of elimination.

Qualities of Vata Dosha are: Cold, Light, Dry, Moving, Rough, Irregular, Quick, and Changeable.

The goal is to balance these qualities and this element to avoid any and all aggravation of Vata Dosha.

1. Abhyangha - Ayurveda self-massage. Who wouldn't benefit from this? Simply take warmed up sesame oil and coat your body after the shower. You can also apply before your yoga practice or before entering the steam room. I never wash off the oil, I merely allow my skin to absorb the oil into my system.

2. Stay warm! Wear appropriate clothing and keep your head and neck covered when the weather is cold and/or wet.

3. Practice light exercise that focuses on balance and flexibility. Sitting and/or laying on the ground is very calming during this season.

4. Favor aromas which are warm, soothing, and spicy. These include basil, bay, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, frankincense, lavender, pine, and sage.

5. Move your bowels daily! I use Sama Digest every night before going to bed. I take 2 capsules at night and wake up and move my bowels. It works. Constipation is probably one of the worst symptoms of an aggravated Vata Dosha.

I am also inviting you to sit and chat with me for 30 minutes about anything. Connection is so elusive - we must make time for it. Schedule time with me and let's chat about empowering you!