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Dec 10, 2020

Agni Tea Recipe


Agni = digestive fire = optimal health = alignment = physically matching vibration. Without Agni (digestive fire) and light, creation would not be possible. Agni allows us to see form, degrees of dark and light and various frequencies of color. When agni is strong, food is digested properly as are all your sensory perceptions. Encouraging your body to release waste and increase agni is a great practice for self care and optimal wellness.

Thie tea is great for loosening of all that mucous we may incur during Fall and Winter, and keep maintaining the excretion of mucous for optimal wellness.

I help my body burn up that mucous from the inside, by drinking tea. A real simple, and delicious tea.

Let's discuss what's in the tea.


effective in aiding and alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders

increases the natural fire (agni) in the digestive system

an anti-inflammatory food, helping reduce inflammation, from which many dis-eases begin.


Anti-microbial purifying the body

Heating to the body, increasing the agni



Anti-carcinogenic battling all the bad radicals in the body


Great for digestion, teeth, spasms, it's a must!

Star Anise

Great for PMS, as it has properties akin to Estrogen


Exporant, opening up the respitory

Ignite the Agni Tea Recipe

2 Cinnamon sticks

3 one inch slices of Ginger

1 Star Anise

3 Cardamom pods or 10 Cardamom seeds

2 cups of Water

Place all ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil for 5 minutes. Turn off and let sit for 10 minutes. Strain and add sweetner of choice. I am trying to reduce my sugar intake and didn't add sugar.

Drink often and feel free to add or remove any ingedient that doesn't resonate with you. 
